Friday, December 20, 2019

Air Force Fraternization Policies

Air Force Fraternization PoliciesAir Force Fraternization PoliciesThe Air Force fraternization policy is contained in Air Force Instruction 36-2909. The Air Force places a high value on professional relationships within its ranks, which are vital to the functional effectiveness of the service. The Air Force and its work environments differ greatly from what you find in a civilian work environment, with missions involving difficult challenges, hardships and the potential for injury and even death. As such, unit cohesion, morale, good order, ??discipline and respect for authority are essential to mission success, and anything that might interfere with the interests of the Air Force.? What Is a Professional Relationship in the Air Force? The Air Force defines a professional relationship this way Professional relationships arethose interpersonal relationships consistent with Air Force core values integrity first, service before self,and excellence in all we do. Military members under stand that the needs of the institution will sometimesoutweigh personal desires. Professional relationships encourage communication between members, and between members and their superiors. This boosts morale, focuses on the mission at pranke and preserves respect for authority. Personal Relationships and the Air Force Mission Normally, personal relationships of Air Force members are ones of individual choice and judgment however, if a personal relationship becomes a problem that affects the functioning of a unit, it is ceases to be personal and becomes an official concern. These are considered unprofessional relationships. The Air Force defines unprofessional relationships in this way Relationships are unprofessional, whether pursued on or off-duty, when they detract from the authority of superiors or result in, or reasonably create the appearance of, favoritism, misuse of office or position, or the abandonment of organizational goals for personal interests. Unprofessional rela tionships can exist between officers, between enlisted members, between officers and enlisted members, and between military personnel and civilian employees or contractor personnel. Fraternization is considered an unprofessional relationship. What Is Fraternization in the Air Force? The Air Force frowns on personal relationships between officers and enlisted members, both on and off-duty. Those engaging in fraternization can be brought up on Uniform Code Military Justice (UCMJ) charges. A relationship is considered fraternization even if the parties are in different units, different commands or even different branches of service. Fraternizations is defined in the Manual for Courts-martial as A personal relationship between an officer and an enlisted member that violates the customary bounds of acceptable behavior in the Air Force and prejudices good order and discipline, discredits the armed services, or operates to the personal disgrace or dishonor of the officer involved...Off icers must not engage in any activity with an enlisted member that reasonably may prejudice good order and discipline, discredit the armed forces or compromise an officers standing. The custom against fraternization in the Air Force extends beyond organizational and chain of command lines. In short, it extends to all officer/enlisted relationships. Any of the following actions or behaviors are considered fraternization. Officers are prohibited from Gambling with enlisted membersLending money to, borrowing money from or otherwise becoming indebted to enlisted members. Exceptions to this are infrequent, non-interest-bearing loans of small amounts to meet exigent circumstances.Engaging in sexual relations with or dating enlisted members. The Air Force definition of dating is broad, covering not only the traditional idea of dating as a prearranged, social engagements, but as anything that is more contemporary and would reasonably be perceived to be a substitute for traditional dating. S haring living accommodations with enlisted members. Exceptions are when it is reasonably required by military operations.Engaging in business enterprises with enlisted members on a personal basis. This includes solicitation for sales to enlisted members. Marriage and Fraternization in the Air Force Marriage in and of itself is not considered fraternizations or misconduct, and some situations exist that may be technically defined as fraternization, but these are exceptions. For example, the commissioning of a civilian who is married to an enlisted. But getting married does not shield service members from charges of fraternization. A relationship that begins between an officer and an enlisted member who then marry can still be considered fraternization, as the relationship was initiated contrary to Air Force custom.

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